COllateral - IMPVLSE (Musicvideo) 2023 - production & 1st AD
Directed by Oana Konopka
Set photography by sophia weigand

REM-State - Trailer production for a series concept 2023
Directed by anna sofia geissler
Set photography by sophia weigand

Terpentin 2021/22 - Head of Production & 1st AD
directed by Patrick Bernad
Set photography by sophia weigand

Pianoman 2021 - Setdesign
Directed by Franka Gerke

WDYW - IMPVLSE (Musicvideo) 2022 - Setdesign
Directed by Julian Mehn
Set photography by sophia weigand

Gutfreund 2021 - Setdesign (with Jana Wirth)
(directed by Maximilian Erban)

membership 2021 - Setdesign (with Mary Zerr)
(directed by Felix Mayr)

Return 2021 - Setdesign together with Mary Zerr
(directed by Mario Pachlhofer)